Place born
Organisation / Person
1516-1558, queen; monarch of England and Ireland, reigned 1533-1558

Mary I

1516 - 1558

1516-1565, physician; naturalist, Swiss

Gesner, Konrad

1516 - 1565

1493-1541, alchemist; physician; astrologer; general occultist, Swiss


1493 - 1541

1489-1564, scientific instrument maker, German

Hartmann, Georg

1489 - 1564

1526-1576, mathematician; scientific instrument maker, German

Heiden, Christian

1526 - 1576

1516/1518-1585, physician; botanist; herbalist, Flemish

Dodoens, Rembert

1517 - 1585

1527-1598, cartographer; geographer, Flemish

Ortelius, Abraham

1527 - 1598

1493-1588, botanist; physician, Spanish

Monardes, Nicolas

1493 - 1588

c. 1499-c. 1546, artist, Dutch

Calcar, Jan Steven van

1499 - 1546

1507-1568, printer; linguist, Swiss

Oporinus, Johannes

1507 - 1568

1480-1562, knight, German

Berlichingen, Götz von

1480 - 1562

1502-1585, pope, Italian

Gregory XIII

1502 - 1585

1494-1555, geologist; metallurgist, German

Agricola, Georg

1494 - 1555

1485-1547, conquistador; explorer, Spanish

Cortes, Hernando

1485 - 1547

ca. 1530-1591, scientific instrument maker; die-sinker, engraver, English born, British

Cole, Humfrey

1530 - 1591

1529-1604, burgomaster of Leiden during the Spanish War and the pestilence of 1553, Dutch

Werfius, Petrus Adriani

1529 - 1604

1500-1570, medallist active in Padua, Italian

Cavino, Giovanni dal

1500 - 1570

1497-1558, physician, French

Fernel, Jean

1497 - 1558

1483-1533, writer, French

Rabelais, François

1483 - 1533

1513-1869, Royal Naval Dockyard, ship-building and repairs, River Thames, England, British

Deptford Royal Dockyard

1513 - 1869

c. 1500-1585, active from 1529 in Spain, clock maker; engineer, mathematician, of Cremona, Italian?

Torriano, Juanelo

1500 - 1585

active c1505-c1575, artist, French

Limousin, Leonard

1505 - 1575

c. 1471 or 1476-1541, conquistador, Spanish

Pizarro, Francisco

1476 - 1541

c. 1494-1568, knight of St John, French

Valette, Jean Parisot de la

1494 - 1568

1527-1609, mathematician, astrologer, and antiquary, English

Dee, John

1527 - 1609

1512-1594, cartographer; geographer; mathematician, Belgian

Mercator, Gerhard

1512 - 1594

1497 or 1498-1543, artist, German

Holbein, Hans

1497 - 1543

1473-1543, mathematician; astronomer, Polish

Copernicus, Nicolaus

1473 - 1543

active 1487-1550, astronomer; scientific instrument maker, German

Kratzer, Nicolaus

1486 - 1550

1514-1564, anatomist; physician, Belgian

Vesalius, Andreas

1514 - 1564

c. 1524-1580, explorer; poet, Portuguese

Camoes, Luiz de

1524 - 1580

1527-1605, naturalist, Italian

Aldovandi, Ulisse

1527 - 1605

about 1510-1590, surgeon, French

Paré, Ambroise

1510 - 1590

c. 1485-1547, painter; draughtsman, Italian

Piombo, Sebastiano del

1485 - 1547

1530 or 1531-1596, alchemist; publisher, German?

Thurneisser, Leonhardt

1530 - 1596

1511-1561, cartographer; scientific instrument maker, German

Vopel, Caspar

1511 - 1561

c. 1478-1553, physician; scholar; poet; astronomer; geologist, Italian


1478 - 1553

1509-1564, theologian, French

Calvin, John

1509 - 1564

1491-1547, king of England and Ireland, reigned 1509-1547

Henry VIII

1491 - 1547

c. 1512-1575, physician; scholar, Dutch

Junius, Adrian

1512 - 1575

1500-1558, monarch; Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Belgian

Charles V

1500 - 1558

1525-1606/8, mathematical & scientific instrument maker, France

Danfrie, Philippe

1525 - 1608

1866-1883, railway company, United Kingdom

Llynvi & Ogmore Railway

628 - 1883

1527-current (2010), university, Marburg, Germany, German

University of Marburg


1518-current (2011), college, English; British

Royal College of Physicians


Hedges, Nick


Portsmouth Dockyard


1495-current (2008), university, Aberdeen, Scotland

University of Aberdeen


1495-current [2013], naval dockyard, English; British

Portsmouth Dockyard